Harnessing the Potential of Industrial Insulation with digital TBI inspections
The daily TIPCHECK experience reaffirms the cost-effective energy savings potential of industrial insulation - and the detrimental effects of an ongoing lack of awareness in industry regarding the importance of using Best Available Technique (BAT) industrial insulation. Such effects include avoidable energy and monetary losses and the unnecessary emission of thousands of tonnes of CO2.
Against this background the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF) created in 2010 the Technical Insulation Performance Check Programme, called TIPCHECK. It was implemented by EiiF with the aim of providing industry with tools and solutions to save energy and to reduce CO2 emissions by improving their technical insulation systems.
After having carried out more than 300 TIPCHECK insulation energy audits in the same number of plants throughout the world the positive aspects are striking:
- Technical insulation payback times are usually only 2 years or even less
- 3 out of 4 TIPCHECK clients immediately invest or plan to invest in insulation improvements.
- The TIPCHECK programme has already resulted in EU-wide annual energy savings of ~550.000 MWh/year (~2 PJ/year)
- And CO2 reductions of more than 250.000 t CO2
- The Equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions of about 55.000 cars or 30.000 households.
To further stimulate and activate this cost-effective energy saving potential in industry EiiF developed this year its innovative App called TBI-App. The TIPCHECK Based Inspection App developed for Android and iOS is easy to use and quickly detects the energy saving performance and potential of an existing technical insulation system:
- The TBI-App (TIPCHECK Based Inspection) is a “do it yourself inspection” tool for anyone who wants to organise a tailored reporting about the quality of the existing insulation system of a production line, facility, etc.
- The TBI-App offers a conservative estimation of the amount of energy a system is losing and its potential savings with a better insulation system in place.
- The TBI-App is designed in such a way that it motivates the asset owners and their staff to use it, even if they are “not interested nor qualified for insulation”
The presentation will share the findings of EiiF’s publications like the “Climate protection with rapid payback” study by Ecofys and the TIPCHECK Report to prepare the general base and knowledge about the insulation situation in industry and its energy and CO2 saving potential. It will analyse the reasons “WHY” until today the potential remains in too many plants untapped. Promote existing subsidy and tax-reduction programmes for energy efficient insulation in Europe (focus on the Netherlands) and how TBI and TIPCHECK can further help to tackle this lack of awareness.
In its practical part the presentation will demonstrate how simple and effective the TBI-App can be used. Furthermore provide the information where and how it can be downloaded for free in its TBI-Easy version. If accepted the presentation could have at its end an interactive training session (two trainers) for about 30 minutes in which participants download the TBI-App and get immediately an introduction and training onsite on a mobile insulation dummy using the TBI-App on their smartphones.
Andreas Gürtler van FESI zal een praktische lezing geven met Luiz Lopèz Brunner van EiiF. Zij vertegenwoordigen daarbij vrijwel alle Europese producenten en grotere contractors.
Andreas Gürtler, Foundation Director, European Industrial Insulation Foundation
Starting in February 2009 his first task was to establish the EiiF as a non-profit foundation and to develop it to a powerful international organisation headquartered in Switzerland. EiiF comprises today the major insulation contractors and manufacturers and is supported by more than 60 companies. Since 2010 EiiF trains insulation experts in energy auditing and certifies them as so called TIPCHECK engineers.
Before Andreas established non-profit initiatives and has worked as chief editor for international news agencies. He is holder of a Second State Examination.
Luis Lopez Brunner, Technical Director, European Industrial Insulation Foundation
Graduated as Mechanical Engineer at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, he has more than 10 years of experience in the Insulation sector in different positions. He is responsible of the training of EiiF member’s engineers about insulation performance inspections. He is currently involved in the revision of the standard ISO 12241 – Calculation rules for thermal Insulation.
Edward van Engelenhoven, Saint Gobain Isover
Geeft een presentatie over de Energie Investering Aftrek (EIA), met berekeningswijzen voor energiebesparing.
Dit seminar is bedoeld voor o.a.: energiemanagers, gebouweigenaren, asset owners industrie, contractors, onderhoudsmanagers en beleidsmakers.
Sectoren: industrie (proces, olie, voedingsmiddelen), utiliteit, producenten isolatie materiaal, onderhoudsbedrijven
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